5 New Neon Tetras


New Member
Dec 27, 2003
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Hi everyone,

I used to have 4 clown loaches in a 1 foot tank for about 3 to 4 months when they all "kamakazied" on me one night and I'm still recovering from that. :(

Now that I've finally washed the entire tank and laid it to dry and decided I wasn't going to have fishes for a while. Then someone just gave me 5 neon tetras for Christmas and I'm absolutely clueless as to what I should do.

I'm not ready to set up my tank again and the tanks is too big for the tetras. So I've placed them in a 1 litre vase with oxygen beads at the bottom.

Problem is, I don't know what to feed them or how to really take care of them. Anyone who could advise on how often I shoud feed them and with what?

Good Lord!

there is no such thing as too big a tank! but there is such a thing as too SMALL a tank! get those fellas out. they cant survive in 1g. feed them pellets or flakes. try and put in whatever pellet you have. if its to big, take a coin and crush the pellets. it should be able to be eaten then. Feed them once a day. here's a link : http://www.centralpets.com/pages/critterpa...h/FWF4630.shtml


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