5 gallon nano tank


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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what would be needed to make a 5 gallon nano tank? i was thinking of setting one up for my birthday present to my self. I would basically like to do hermit crabs, and maybe one little fish. My store sells damsels for very cheap.

What kind of lifghting, heat, and pounds of live rock as well as filtration be needed for this? And what specices of fish could live in a tank this size.
They are really a pain in the back side, your going to have problems finding the equipement small enough for the tank. My experience with the smaller tanks like that is that by the time you get your equipement on, ther is not much room left for much of anything eles. Not that it cant be done, many have done it. I my self had a 2.5 gallon. The right lighting and keeping the temp down was the most difficult part. Good luck.

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