5 Gallon Hexagon


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Jan 17, 2005
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I have an aqua-tech 5 gallon with 3 stage filtration. Currently i have one mustard gas female in it alone. I plan to move my other two cambodian female with her after I get some real plants and not the dumb java moss that wont grow. How many more female bettas can i keep in there or what other fish/snails can i keep in there?
One female. you need a 10 gallon tank to keep more than 1. Also you nedd to have atleast 4, better to have 5 so that a picking order can be developed.

In the 5 gallon, get two platties to keep with her.
I wouldn't suggest any more female bettas than the 3 in a 5 gal as they have a tendancy to beat one another up once they start feeling crowded, but I'm sure other people here could better direct you about other fish (possibly) or at least some snails. I love those aquahex5 tanks, I have a male betta in each of my two. ^^

edit: ah, see, much better answer. I never kept my girls together, so its good to know they need at least 10 gal. I thought I'd heard that somewhere but wasn't sure. I love this forum, so many knowledgeable people ^^
I, agree, only 1 female in a 5g. I could not keep more than one female in a densely planted 5g regular. In a 5g hex, there simply is not enough room for the bettas to hide. How about some otos or pygmy corys?
I never had otos or pygmy cories before so I'm not so sure about them. 1 betta in a 5 gallon, that sure seems like a spoiled betta. I guess I'll put my male betta in the 5 gallon then and take out the MG female.
1 betta in a 5 gallon, that sure seems like a spoiled betta.

Seems more like a happy betta to me; any other fish the size of a betta would probably be kept in at least 10 gal, but there is this misconception going around that it is OK to keep animals is the most menial conditions for their survival.
/betta rant :lol:

I bet your male will enjoy the added space though ^^ My male Pulpul is in a 5 gallon hex, and he loves it. The filter seems a good strength for him, too, though his finnage isn't too impressive. Dickey has huge fins and had a rough go in his, so maybe see who does better in it?
I bet you could find a 10 gallon cheap second hand if you want to keep your girls together, though it almost seems safer to keep them singly in less space from what I've heard. Fleamarkets might be a good place to look; I found a 55 gal with filter, bubbler, heater, lights, gravel, and silk plants for 70 bucks at our flea market today. Why oh why didn't I take the bigger car; I could have had a home for my goldfish for really cheap. Hopefully it'll be there next week.
Well I DO have an unused 10 gallon but no hood or filter. I'm planning to breed the bettas in there, use it as a growout tank (1 month old or so), and then began jarring. I know its a very tiny growout tank but I plan to cull them too. Also, how can i divide a 5 gallon hexagon?

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