5 Gallon Hex


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
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Ontario Canada
Hey folks, I'm just starting out my nano and am trying to decide on fish to keep my eye out for. Currently it just has some live rock in it (got it fresh so lots of nice coraline algae) and its only a 5 gallon hex. Eventually I may do a few mushrooms or button polyps and maybe a feather duster soon, but anywho I wanted to know what people thought about for best fish choice (there may be some inverts in later too). My choices I narrowed to are...
Maroon Clown
Percula Clown (my sister, nemo, I had to have it on the list)
6-line wrasse
Goby (pick a species any species, alot to choose from)
So what are your opinions, whats my best option if its just going to be some low light corals and algaes, a few turbos a feather duster, and one fish? Thanks for any help, keep in mind this is also my first reef (in fact my first saltwater (i know I'm crazy, but hey, I work at a fish store it was bound to happen sometime)) so easy keeping fish are good to.
Hi...welcome aboard. The fish you listed are all hardy and beautiful, but, it comes down to whether you want to be a 'conscientious' marine aquarist. I have a sixline wrasse and they really need a lot of swimming space. Clowns should be housed larger too. There are some really small beautiful gobies that you could do it with..neon gobies. If you had to cram one in there, I'd go with a firefish. They tend to hang out near their dart hole. JMO. SH
The only fish you could house in a 5Gallon are a species of Goby such as a yellow clown goby or a neon blue goby.

You shouldnt be considering anything that has a maximum size bigger than 2" and you will have to be VERY concious of water top-ups and water changes to keep salt level stable and nitrate low.

Have a read through other threads and you will quickly find that most people find keeping a fish in a tank as small as yours a great challenge.

Hey another question for you people, ideal chemistry. I know my phosphates are up so I'm working on getting them down, but what is the ideal KH, and if its high (oh say 25dkh) what effect does it have, and how do I lower it.
Can't do water chemistry @ 12.30am but I can tell you that a Maroon clown will get waaaaaay too big for a 5g, anything upto 6" normally. An Ocellaris clown can reach 4" and Percula clowns upto 3" so one fish is going to hit your stock limit straight away. As the others have suggested stick to the small gobies if you really must have a fish in that puddle :p

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