5 gallon filter


New Member
Jan 30, 2005
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Hello everyone its me again ;) I've got a five gallon tank with my betta in there and i dont have filtration system does anyone know where i can find one that would work...it needs to be an inside one not one that hangs on the edge of the tank...its a hex tank but the back pane is the longest then two short panes on the side and then two diagonal ones and then a shorter one on the front..it came with a undergravel filter but my dad threw it away a long time ago...and its really hard to find one that will fit its style..thanks!!

a small sponge filter or box filter will work for that size tank not sure were you live but about £10.00 or $20.00 if that side of pond should get all the equipment IE pump filter and airline......... ;)
Thanks for the reply Bettaman...Do you know where they sell such things as Box filters? thanks!!
Hey everyone i think i found a nice filter to use do u think it will work? I hope it doens't shoot out alot of force or sucks alot "Bert" might not like that....im pasting the site for u to see and tell what u guys think..Thanks for the Replies!!!!!


Those are great and if the current is too much you can break it with a plant. And if the intake at the bottom is too much you can wrap something like pantyhose around it so it doesn't suck up his finnage.
Thanks for the reply Wuvmybetta!! I will be ordering one in the near future thanks!!
Well ive finally bought the Whisper 10i in filter tank and ive filled my water up to 5 gallons....but the current seems to be a little strong it throws him around.....i have a plastic plant in the front of it but it doesn't seem to be slowin anything down...any other suggestions to help slow the current?? and the most current is on the gravel floor and it tips him sideways and when i put his food at the top it just goes round and round the top...any suggestions would be very helpful thanks!!
no suggestions? :/

ps the flow the filter puts out is 90gph is that too much??
Ohh,I bought one of those before..sucked up too much and one of my late zebra danios got sucked up there.Well,is there another type of filter you can find that would be good?
yea i spose i'll have to look into something smaller i'm going to ship this one back and get my money back....so which ones do all of you use?? I want something thats a little nicer than a sponge filter but has a flow regulator on it


I think i found a filter to use but i would like some expertise from you fishnatics!! here is the website




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