5 Gal For Betta. What Cleaner(if Any)?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2006
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In the future I plan to house a 5 gallon tank for a Betta. At this size, I would like to have a cleaner of some sort, but I'm not sure what will work that the Betta won't eat.

One thread says that Snails are big on waste, and I know they reproduce like Bunnies :crazy:
This is what I'm looking into, considering I know a shrimp wouldn't stand much of a chance (maybe if I give it a small cave?).
Will a Betta eat a snal that's possibly half it's size? Or would it even appreciate of it o_O?

Or better yet, if I avoid the dirty death-cups from the lps, would I need a cleaner?
Do you have live plants in the tank? If not, there is a great product called "Algea Destroyer." I use it in my 10 gallon, and I don't have a problem... no cleaner needed. :) Just keep up with your water changes, and you'll be fine.
Once your tank is mature, you could add a couple of ottos, which are small plecos. Or you could add a couple of apple snails(aka mystery snails). I have 2 in my tank and they do a really good job. Haven't had any problems with large amounts of waste, however I do weekly water changes, so that could be why. And if I remember right, apple snails deposit their eggs above the water, so you could just scrape them off. And because I like to show off my tank here's a pic w/the apple snails. :D

I saw this picture before I can only see one snail playing "king of the castle" wheres the other one? :blink:
I'll probably get a "mystery" snail or two, then.

The bunny-like-reproduction was my main concern, as water changes aren't near as aggrivating as disposing of the buggers.
I do plan on at least having one live plant, and anything else being soft fakes.
I've kept bettas in 5 gal tanks for many years. I don't keep any other living being (just plants) in there with them. Once, in the beginning, I put a couple golden mystery snails but found they were putting out too many nematode worms and would often be found ouside the tank (through the cord cutouts). Since then, I only keep the fish and plants. I do at 50% water cleaning weekly and suck out any scuzz on the bottom (oh, I keep barebottom tanks) as soon as I see it, and during the water cleaning, I take a tank scraper pad (I keep acrylic tanks) and wipe down the sides and bottom, change out the filter pad in the filter. I don't overfeed so there wouldn't be any leftover food for a snail anyway.
Oh! I do have a question, do Bettas like airstone filters much? I'm thinking of using an underground like I use on my 10 gal, but I'm not sure if that would make too strong a current or not.

They don't need the aeration from airstones, though, right?
One of mine about wore himself out attacking the bubbles that came out of a corner filter with airstone I got for him. I had to turn it off for the night and make a dash for the store in the AM to get another. I suppose he was thinking "man this other betta they've got around here produces bubbles like a regular FACTORY".....??
I didn't think about that. They probably wouldn't appreciate someone else making bubbles on his territory.

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