5 G Hex


Fish Addict
Oct 11, 2006
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well yesterday i bought a new 6 line wrasee and as lovely as he is my bicolor dottyback has decided to show his true colours. As a resul;t my new 6 line has only half of his tail left and cannot move without the evil little swine stalking him. Sooo what ive decided to do is set up my old 5 gallon hex. It has a 9 w pc light bulb, heater, air pump and a fluval 1 i think that ive jam packed with sponge and ceramic noodles. My plan is is to put the bicoour in this tank for a week or two to give the wrasee some time to settle in. Also it will be cycled with sand from in my main tank and i might put a piece of live rock in there if the params dont go right. So is there anything that i should watch out with my new tank?
well yesterday i bought a new 6 line wrasee and as lovely as he is my bicolor dottyback has decided to show his true colours. As a resul;t my new 6 line has only half of his tail left and cannot move without the evil little swine stalking him. Sooo what ive decided to do is set up my old 5 gallon hex. It has a 9 w pc light bulb, heater, air pump and a fluval 1 i think that ive jam packed with sponge and ceramic noodles. My plan is is to put the bicoour in this tank for a week or two to give the wrasee some time to settle in. Also it will be cycled with sand from in my main tank and i might put a piece of live rock in there if the params dont go right. So is there anything that i should watch out with my new tank?

LOL - thats exactly where my bicolor dottyback is in solitary confinement at the moment.

I had the same problem, he spent 3 weeks in the sump, but as soon as I moved him back into the main tank he took out a clown and cleaner wrasse overnight.

So hes back in the 5 gal hex until I can rehome it.
any tips for cathing them? and also hes been such an angel so far but if after two weeks of solitary he doesnt come round hes going back.
Please...rhysiboy....(hitting with a wet noodle). Are you doing your research????? These two fish are INCOMPATIBLE. Now....your wrasse, which which is a stunning fish, loves to swim, needs a 30G tank....it crammed into a 5G Hex.

Hey....I don't want to come across as being mean, but, I am going to post a reminder thread in our nano section. SH
oki dokey but this wrase isnt going into the 5 gallon hex its the bicolour and hes probably staying there a week maximum and if he doesnt interact with the wrasee nicely then the bicolour is goign back to the store. Dont worry oyu odnt sound mean at all you sound like your concearnd for the fish which is the same as i am. I put my hands up and admit i really shouldnt be putting a 6 line wrase in my main tank as it is a little under 30 gallons but i have done so i will have to live with that.
Can I suggest you don't draw things out any longer than needed and take the dottyback back now.

They are two aggressive, territorial fish that will 99% never work in a nano tank.
i think i will have to. Aint looking good as the dottyback is even agresive to the mag float in the tank.
Sounds horrible...I always stayed away bicolor dottyback because I've heard that they were crazy. I hope you find a way to fix this problem :good:

Or you can use this and hold it against your parents to buy you a bigger tank :shifty:
I'll agree with that. Most bi-color pseudochromis are too aggressive for a small tank. If you want a similar sized fish with a little spunk (but not too much), consider a pseudochromis springeri. Mine is tolerant of his tank-mates. I'd still add it last though just to be safe.
ive read that springeris are even worse and near psychotic. I guess though as with all fish its very much dependant on your fishs personality

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