5+ Females / 33gal Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2012
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Abundance of threads recently, sorry about that - lots of ideas floating around :)

So I'm aquascaping my 140l / 33gal.. And I want a Betta(s). I've only got 3 Neon Tetra at the moment so it's not like I'll be adding a Betta to an already established community. I may even sell / give away my few Tetra if needs be.

But my question is, whether it would be more viable to get 1 male Betta then a selection of suitable tank mates, or 5 or 6 female Bettas.

I'm making the Betta(s) kinda the priority fish so any others will be chosen later, I'm more just wondering what would work best in terms of numbers. 33gal seems to me like a decent size for a few Bettas, is that right?

Any suggestions or advice from anyone perhaps running a large multiple-Betta tank :)
I'd go with a group of females :) In larger tanks males tend to get a little lost and can become quite withdrawn (not always of course, it depends on the males temprament a lot of the time). You've got plenty of room to have a really nice sized group of females; when you have them in larger numbers (10+) they look fantastic and its great to watch them interacting with each other.

In a tank like that you could have a really cool stocking along the lines of:

8 female betta
8 neon tetra (If you wanted to keep them, if not, most tetra/rasbora/dither fish do well as long as they're not a nippy type like serpae tetra, silver tip tetra, tiger barbs, etc.)
6 corydora of some sort

And there'd still be room for a few more fish depending on what takes your fancy. You could have a pair of dwarf cichlids, or a bn pleco, etc.
Awesome, that helps a lot, I can start searching now :)
No problem, good luck with it :D
We'll need photos once you have it all set up ;)

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