5 Clowns Loaches In A 72 Gallon?


Fish Addict
Apr 27, 2006
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:blush: I adore clown loaches!! I recently heard they growe slow and it takes about 5 years form them to go from 2" to 6". -_- My LFS sells 1.5" long clown loaches and I was wondering fi trhey would be happy in a 72 glalon sharing the bottem with 12 cories of the same type for a few years. after that, how hard is it to sell them to other people?
That should be fine. My ones took around 6 years to grow 4-5 inches

In the end they may need a bigger tank though.

If you find a fish shop that buys clown loaches off you that would be good. Believe me that 5 inch clowns can go for around 25-40 dollars, so make sure you can go to a fish store that gives you a good deal

I managed to get ahold of two 9 inch clown loaches for $18 each. They should retail at $110!! :good:
I had 6 clowns in a 72G without any problems.
I do aggree that in a few years time they will need
a bigger tank, which is why mine are now in a 100G.

go for it CardBoardBoxProcessor :good:
:/ do they liek to have more room to them selves at the bottem? eventually I wilo have 5 SAEs again and I hope to have nearer to 20 Cories of the same species. :D

wow geezer, your one cat is as old as me >>
:/ do they liek to have more room to them selves at the bottem? eventually I wilo have 5 SAEs again and I hope to have nearer to 20 Cories of the same species. :D

wow geezer, your one cat is as old as me >>
Getting pretty busy at substrate level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are all interesting but you will need all sorts of "stuff" for them to separate themselves. Plants, caves, rocks, driftwood and significantly uneven substrate levels. Also regular rearranging does add a different dimension for the fish. I have 5 clowns, 7 skunk loaches and about 10 corys in a tank with a 72" by 18" footprint. The tanks is heavily planted with lots of rock and driftwood. Everybody gets along fine. I would really think about 5 SAE's. They are accused of becoming quite aggressive as they mature.
:/ do they liek to have more room to them selves at the bottem? eventually I wilo have 5 SAEs again and I hope to have nearer to 20 Cories of the same species. :D

wow geezer, your one cat is as old as me >>
Getting pretty busy at substrate level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are all interesting but you will need all sorts of "stuff" for them to separate themselves. Plants, caves, rocks, driftwood and significantly uneven substrate levels. Also regular rearranging does add a different dimension for the fish. I have 5 clowns, 7 skunk loaches and about 10 corys in a tank with a 72" by 18" footprint. The tanks is heavily planted with lots of rock and driftwood. Everybody gets along fine. I would really think about 5 SAE's. They are accused of becoming quite aggressive as they mature.
well as they get older I would put them downstairs with all the aggressive tetras haha. umm.. different dimension for the fish? huh? :/ mm.. I would probavbly replant my tanks every few months.. I am more concerded about the cories and the loaches arguing haha

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