5 Clown Killifish - Surrey


Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
Livestock: clown killifish / rocket panchax
Quantity for sale: 5
Reason for Sale: changing to species only tank
Delivery or Collection: collection
Sales price: £15 for 5
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: Leatherhead

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Hi JenJ
I am interested in your fish but would like a bit more info please , My tank temp is about 24 and have 3 keyhole cichilds and cories mainly would the clown killifish be ok with this ? my tank is quiet a lively one . I have googled them but would like your in put .
cheers cathy
The tank they are in currently is kept at 24 so no worries there.

I currently have them in a killifish only tank, but did have them with 7 very active albino cories for a couple of weeks until I moved the cories to the bigger tank. They were fine with the cories, but I don't know much about keyhole cichlids - are they likely to eat small fish? These are very small - no more than about an inch long and very slim with it.

I only got them as I'd been admiring lampeyes in the lfs, and the guy said if I thought they were good, I should check out the clowns. He was so enthusiastic about them that I ended up buying 6 of the clowns there and then. However I went back and bought 6 lampeyes a week later, and they are much my favourite, so I want to sell on the clowns and up the lampeyes to 12.

They do spend a fair amount of time floating on the surface, but since the lampeyes went in and cories came out they been exploring all areas of the tank. At the lfs, they had about 60 odd, all bar a few were on the surface.

They are very pretty fish, with a bright neon green/blue eye, but my personal preference is for the lampeyes. They can jump though - I lost one during their first water change as I didn't notice it escape :(
Hi JenJ
Cheers for getting back to me so quick , They would be ok with my keyholes here is my mobile to arrange pick up if ok 07554018035 as live in essex so not to far for me to pick up if you are in surrey
Here's a couple of iPhone pics I just took

Tank shot to give an idea of scale - 60cm tank


Close up


Ah great, I'll text you now :)
Hi do you ever travel down near the sussex coast ? i would like them but the petrol works out a bit much, so wondered if you came this was as a matter of course ?
mishmash said:
Hi do you ever travel down near the sussex coast ? i would like them but the petrol works out a bit much, so wondered if you came this was as a matter of course ?
Sorry, no :(

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