5 Cardinals 2 Hatchets And ....


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
seattle, Washington
I am looking to add rummy nose, cory's, and otto's, but would this be realistic in my 10gallon tank?
I was thinking it could work because the ottos and corys are big feeders in the lower region.
If I could add these fish how many fo you guys think? I am starting to plant my aquarium and have 2 plants so far.PH at 7.
yes, should work fine, as long as there is anough surface space for the hatchets (rectagonal tank as opposed to a hex or a biorb)
I am looking to add rummy nose, cory's, and otto's, but would this be realistic in my 10gallon tank?
I was thinking it could work because the ottos and corys are big feeders in the lower region.
If I could add these fish how many fo you guys think? I am starting to plant my aquarium and have 2 plants so far.PH at 7.
Maybe a couple of ottos only. The tank is too small for rummy noses, it's too small for the hatchets really but they need a couple more for security and that will fill the tank.
I agree, 10 gal is far too small for rummys. Corys like to be in a group and 3 or 4 would easily overload your tank.
so rummys need a bigger tank so they can "pace" back and forth more, so they're out.

Fish Total
2 hatchets
5 cardinals
-corys? how many?, at least 3 right? so maybe some smaller ones?
-or should i just add a few cherry barbs? do they school at all?

thanks for the advice

just thought of this. more cardinals maybe?
no cherry barbs wont work either.

If it helps i have 2 Otto's 2 Swordtils 8 neons in my 12 gallon

and do a 20% water change every other day and i have triple

the amounrt of filtration in my tank.


The general guide is 1 inch of adult size fish per gallon of water. Cardinals grow 2 inches long. Hatchets depends on the type but marbled grow about 1.5 inches. Personally i would give the hatchets a miss as i have them in my 5 foot tank and they zoom about all over the place. ottos should be in groups of 3+.

If you go for one of the dwarf corys (hastatus, pygmeous, habrosus) they grow between an inch and 1.5 inches. Both cardinals and hatchets being tetras should be kept in groups or 6+. Cherry barbs would work if you have a male to a couple of females but they don't shoal like tetras. If you can get hold of them pygmy rasboras would be a good option.


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