5 bar barbs feeding


New Member
Sep 18, 2023
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Hi all, just joined the forum : ) I'm new to aquarium keeping. Over the last 5 weeks I've set a 112 L tank up with sponges in the pump/filter. I have sand on the bottom and a few plants. After running it empty for a couple of weeks, and a couple of good water tests, I added 4 scissor tails. A week later I added 6 pentazona (5 bar) barbs. All look healthy and happy. Will slowly add more in the coming weeks. The scissor tails are very fast eaters and eat all of the food immediately. As the barbs stay around the bottom they don't seem to be getting much food, if any? Just wondering if I need to get food down to them past the veracious scissor tails! Thanks in advance.
The scissortail rasboras will also eat the food before the five banded barbs get any. They are much shyer fish and less likely to compete for food with something like the scissortails. You can try feeding the rasboras at one end of the tank and the barbs at the other end but the rasboras might catch on. I would just feed the rasboras until they are full and then feed the barbs, or get rid of the rasboras.
The scissortail rasboras will also eat the food before the five banded barbs get any. They are much shyer fish and less likely to compete for food with something like the scissortails. You can try feeding the rasboras at one end of the tank and the barbs at the other end but the rasboras might catch on. I would just feed the rasboras until they are full and then feed the barbs, or get rid of the rasboras.
Thanks Colin. I Googled earlier and found some foods that sink straight away, this may help too. Already, I'm thinking I need 2 tanks : )

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