4ft Tank Ideas


Fish Herder
Nov 27, 2006
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Hey all,i have 2 fm's and i am setting up a 4ft cichlid tank.What fish would go well with the fms out of these:

Jellybean parrot
electric yellows

if there is any others please let me know,thanks.
Electric yellows are malawis, so you're better off not bothering with those unless you want to set up a malawi tank and rehome your other fish :good:
What sized tank? Can't give many stocking ideas without this.

EDIT sorry, meant say, gallons/litres. 4 ft could be a range of sizes and doesn't give a clear picture as to the volume of your tank
i woudnt house angels with fms as the fms would harress the angel :unsure:

keyhole cichlids are placid
blue acaras soso
severums seem placid
bristlenose plecs
hoplo catfish
clown loaches
iam just tossing out ideas :good:
ok thankyou,The tank dimensions are 4ftx12x18.I think this is about 40g.I would like to have jelly bean cichlids but not sure if they would go with fms and how many to get.
i woudnt house angels with fms as the fms would harress the angel :unsure:

keyhole cichlids are placid
blue acaras soso
severums seem placid
bristlenose plecs
hoplo catfish
clown loaches
iam just tossing out ideas :good:

you could have some congo tetras, a red tailed black shark, any of the medium sized acaras, there are just so many possibilities.

avoid the yellow labs - they are a hard water fish and have very different requirements to your angels
does this sound good?

2 fms
3 parrots
2 golden sevs

2 fms
2 acaras

2 fms
4 parrots
1 albino rtbs
What type of parrot? Blood parrot or jellybean?

I think all of those options would be pushing it, maybe the firemouths and one parrot, or two parrots and one firemouth - but certainly no more than that. Sevs get too big for your tank. ;)
does this sound good?

2 fms
3 parrots
2 golden sevs

2 fms
2 acaras

2 fms
4 parrots
1 albino rtbs

Try option 4

2/3 parrots,
+ a few small(ish) dither fish.
What type of parrot? Blood parrot or jellybean?

I think all of those options would be pushing it, maybe the firemouths and one parrot, or two parrots and one firemouth - but certainly no more than that. Sevs get too big for your tank. ;)

Blood parrots shouldn't be in existance as they are a hybridized fish and jellybean parrots are blood parrots who are injected with dye which is a very cruel practice.

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