4ft Hood, Diy For External Filter?


Jan 15, 2008
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Hi guys, i have a 4ft tank hood made from aluminium. I need to make access in the back for an external filter, whats the best way to do it? I dont want to leave sharp edges but im not great at DIY work >.>

Thanks in advance.
Hi guys, i have a 4ft tank hood made from aluminium. I need to make access in the back for an external filter, whats the best way to do it? I dont want to leave sharp edges but im not great at DIY work >.>

Thanks in advance.

Hi,if you go steady then a hole saw will do it then finish the hole with a fine 'wet 'n' dry' sandpaper
If its anything like the alloy hoods I had as a kid, you can probably cut it with scissors ! But maybe a jigsaw would do a better job ? Either way, the sharp edge was always a worry to me (especially with electrical cables ! ) so I used slit airline... just take a sharp blade (scalpel or stanley-knife etc) and slit some lengthways... this was then added as an "edge" to any holes or slots.
I would never contradict doresy (I'd be a fool) but I think it depends on how thick the aluminum is and if you want to create an access hole or just want to cut a piece out of the aluminum. If the aluminum isn't that thick and you want to just cut out a piece the buy a pair of aircraft tin snips (that's what we call em here in Canada) and a metal file then cut and file. Easy.

What I mean about cutting a piece out is cutting a rectangular piece out of the hood starting from one edge with two cuts then a final cut to take off the flap versus cut a square from the the hood.

You can still do it but you first have to drill the 4 corners so you can get the snips started. In fact you should probable drill the 2 corners in the first picture to make your cutting easier.

If the aluminum is thicker then a hole saw or a jig saw might be easier although I personally find that my edges are straighter using the snips.


(I tried sketching a picture with --- and | and + symbols but the stupid CMS system removed all the spaces, grrrrrrrr)
I was asuming the ali's gauge was substantial when suggesting a hole saw :crazy: If it is that thin then probably not such a good idea (imagins a big knot of bacofoil wrapped around the Black and Decker :unsure: )

Do let us all know how you got on :good:

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