🐠 TOTM CrunchyCrouton - November 2024 Tank of the Month Winner (31 Gallons and larger)


Plant Man
Contest Moderator
5x Tank of the Month 🏆
Nov 18, 2021
Reaction score
37.2431° N, 115.7930° W
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
November 2024 Tank
of the Month Contest
We had 7 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate them
Here's the winning tank and its description:

This is my planted 75 gallon tank. It’s been up and running for about a year now and it all started with only a couple plants. All of the water wisteria you see came from one single plant I propagated over and over again. The Amazon sword on the right side is around 20 inches long. This tank is a dirted tank capped with 2 inches of pool filter sand and is fertilized with osmocote+ fertilizer. It’s filtered by 2 polar aurora canister filters and the temperature in the tank is 79 degrees. The lighting is two nicrew lights. This tank is home to oto catfish, cherry barbs, pearl gourami and juvenile angelfish, mostly Philippine blue angelfish besides one standard marbled. There is also 2 mystery snails and a nerite snail. The cherry barbs often show breeding behavior and dance around. 2 of my pearl gourami have double feeler/pelvic fins, so instead of 1 on each side they have 2 on each side, I bought them that way. The most recent additions to this tank was the Philippine blue angelfish.
I originally planned to add driftwood to this tank but the plants ended up taking over. A lot of people call this tank a forest
Congrats @Crunchycrouton for the win with your 75 gallon work of art. Stunning tank!
In 2nd place is @anewbie. Good going.
In 3rd place is @The Aquarium Home with their 40g Breeder. Great job!

Right now we are accepting entries for our November Pet of the Month contest. Please enter here: ENTER NOW.
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Congratulations!! Jealous of that gorgeous wisteria!!
Congratulations...! 🏆
Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
November 2024 Tank
of the Month Contest
We had 7 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate them
Here's the winning tank and its description:

This is my planted 75 gallon tank. It’s been up and running for about a year now and it all started with only a couple plants. All of the water wisteria you see came from one single plant I propagated over and over again. The Amazon sword on the right side is around 20 inches long. This tank is a dirted tank capped with 2 inches of pool filter sand and is fertilized with osmocote+ fertilizer. It’s filtered by 2 polar aurora canister filters and the temperature in the tank is 79 degrees. The lighting is two nicrew lights. This tank is home to oto catfish, cherry barbs, pearl gourami and juvenile angelfish, mostly Philippine blue angelfish besides one standard marbled. There is also 2 mystery snails and a nerite snail. The cherry barbs often show breeding behavior and dance around. 2 of my pearl gourami have double feeler/pelvic fins, so instead of 1 on each side they have 2 on each side, I bought them that way. The most recent additions to this tank was the Philippine blue angelfish.
I originally planned to add driftwood to this tank but the plants ended up taking over. A lot of people call this tank a forest
Nice tank, well done.

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