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We have a winner in Fishforums.net
October 2024 Tank of the Month Contest
We had 5 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 17 to 30 gallons but only one could win...
And the winner is.......


Let's all congratulate them

Here's the winning tank and its description
October 2024 Tank of the Month Contest
We had 5 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 17 to 30 gallons but only one could win...
And the winner is.......


Let's all congratulate them

Here's the winning tank and its description
Tank size: 20 gallon long asian themed community
Rasbora sarawakensis
Pangio sp
Bamboo shrimp
Assorted elderly fish (couple cherry barbs, pseudomugil)
GH 5°
KH 3°
pH 7
Temperature 75F (May get a little warmer in summer months, but I don't heat it in summer)
Filtration is a DIY above tank planter sump, powered by an internal pump. Brings tank volume closer to 25 gallons instead of 20 gallons. Heater is hidden inside the filter.
The elderly fish are living out whatever they have left, I mean the cherry barbs alone are like 6-7 years old and I dont plan to add more as they dwindle, same for the pseudomugil gertrudae who are younger but old for their respective lifespans. Theyre nearing their 3rd year which is ancient already for them as they average out 1-2 years expenctency.
Going forward this tank will remain the sarawakensis and pangio. I dont even know bow many pangio there are. Couple years ago my pangio doriae spawned and given i dont see every single loach out at once, i cannot tell you how many babies survived. I just ended up counting an extra that i didnt have to start, so who the heck knows. I know theres upward of 20 in there at least

that said, nitrates are negligible in this tank if i dont dose fertilizer. Its still more stocked than id like, but the other "retirement" tank is too warm for the barbs and too many bigger fish thatd eat the pseudomugil, so this tank was the best retirement option for them.
Plants are all asian originated plants, plus cladophora algae. I purposely use the algae in this tank, as I want a more natural appearance for this one.