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We have a winner in Fishforums.net
July 2024 Tank of the Month Contest
We had 6 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 17 to 30 gallons but only one could win...July 2024 Tank of the Month Contest
And the winner is.......

Let's all congratulate them

Here's the winning tank and its description
Established 6 months ago after we upgraded from a 15 gallon with artificial decor.
We have a compliment of 21 little ones:
2 Angelfish
3 Blue (three spot) Gouramis
1 Bristlenose Catfish
4 Cherry Barbs
2 Hybrid Synodontis Catfish
2 Reed (Rope) Fish
3 Scissortail Rasbora
4 Mollys
Fish are fed twice a day on a variety of flakes, bug bites, colour enhancing vibra bites, catfish pellets, frozen and fresh bloodworm and brine shrimp. I try to mix it up so they don’t get bored of the same food all the time.
Plants include:
2 Amazon Swords
1 Indian Swampweed
1 Java Fern
Plants are fed twice weekly using Flourish Comprehensive Supplement and Potassium Supplements.
We also have the big wood/root and rocks for a more natural environment effect, providing lots of shelter and hiding places.
Water parameters have always been stable and I carry out weekly water changes of between 10-20%
Filters include corse to fine sponge filtration, fine floss media, active carbon media, phosphate remover and bio crystal media.
We plan to upgrade again possibly next year or the year after depending on how quickly the reed fish grow

Hope you like!
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