🐶 POTM Seisage - May 2024 Pet of the Month Winner

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
We have a winner in Tropical Fish Forums'
Pet of the Month Contest

We had 5 awesome pets entered in this month's POTM contest. But only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate them
Here's their winning African Dwarf Frog
This is Soup, one of my two African dwarf frogs. Soup says hi!

I got her not all that long ago, towards the beginning of March earlier this year, so it's been just a couple months, but she's doing well! The pair were from an LFS in the city. I had a free 6gal tank and wanted something more unique than a betta. I don't actually know Soup's sex for sure, but the other frog, Dumpling, has developed nuptial glands (he's a male) and Soup has not, so I'm inferring that Soup is a female. She also has a cute little white dot on the top of her head, which makes it really easy to tell her apart from Dumpling at a glance :)

ADFs are rather clownish creatures in general, and Soup is no exception. Don't tell Dumpling, but I think she's my favorite of the two. She's especially reactive and interactive with me. She knows exactly when I sit down in front of the tank and will come to beg for food. Her favorite activity is to get right up to the front of the tank and stand like a tiny person to stare at me pointedly (...see below). She had just been fed and was already back to ask for more lol.

ADFs don't have very good vision, but she'll even explicitly turn to look at me, so she definitely knows I'm there. It's rather cute, and with the way she stands at the front of the tank, it almost feels like I'm being confronted by a small toddler who doesn't know how to use her words yet.

She (and Dumpling) get fed exclusively frozen food, rotating between brine shrimp and mysis shrimp. I do individual target feeding with tweezers so that I know both of them are getting food. They don't really know any tricks, but Soup in particular is rather good at recognizing the tweezers and is actually quite good at aiming, at least for an ADF! The one drawback of her being good at targeting things is that she also targets the siphon when I'm cleaning the tank... 😑

I love her a lot, and watching her and Dumpling brings me so much joy. They're such fantastic little animals.
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Congrats to @Seisage with your awesome African Dwarf frog named Soup. Nice writeup and awesome picture. Well deserved win.
Coming in 2nd place is @Uberhoust with their 7 month old Australian Shepherd named Achak. I love the picture and the setting behind your doggie.
And coming in 3rd place is @Wayfareanima with their tabby cat named Nala. Fabulous picture of your awesome cat.

If you entered but didn't win this contest, we hope you re-enter your pet in a future POTM contest.

Right now we are accepting entries for our June Tank of the Month contest featuring tanks sized at 16 US gallons and smaller. If you have that size tank, we hope you enter the contest.
CLICK HERE to view the entry thread.
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Congrats @Seisage and Soup for representing the ADF's, now I'm thinking I should've entered mine and they could've faced off! :lol:
That's outrageous. A chocolate frog wins over a fluffy dog. Ahhhh what is the world coming to.

Fear not, Freddo will fix it

good picture tho :)

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