🐠 TOTM Magnum Man - May 2024 Tank of the Month Winner

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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
May 2024 Tank
of the Month Contest
We had 4 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 31 gallons and larger but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Magnum Man
Let's all congratulate them
Here's the winning tank and its description
I’ll start ( which seems like bad luck ) this is my South American “Tetra” tank… it’s a standard 55 gallon, and this one still retains a full under gravel filter, with a pair of power heads on the lift tubes, this a fine river gravel, with all worn rounded edges, as opposed to traditional gravel with lots of broken sharp edges… as well as a pair of Aquaclear 70 hob filters, on the tank… the decor in this tank includes 4 cast resin hollow logs, 2 of which are placed vertically to hide the lift tubes of the under gravel, and 3 natural pieces of wood, & there are regularly a couple Almond leaves working their way around in the tank… the aquatic plants in this tank are plastic, but there are 6 hang on planters, containing live terrestrial plants growing hydroponically in ceramic filter media… there are 2 - 10 inch air bars along the back wall, buried under the gravel with a line of 2 inch stones on top, to help keep them in place for the long haul… there is a full length 48" - 24-7 led light….with other grow lights in the space above, for the plants… this is a mature open topped tank, with about 18 inches of space for the plants to grow, and has 20 to 40 feet of vines growing, and hung on brass hooks screwed into layers on the walls above the tank and the lights are mounted on the ceiling… there is next to no algae on the glass surfaces ( I don’t clean it ) as there are so many plants above the tank, even though it has several bright lights, which are on most of the day, any glass cleaning is done by the one pleco, and one Oto. it’s built in to the wall, and has another tank on each side, and several below it in a work area behind the wall… there are 36 - 48 South American Tetras in the tank, including platinum Rummy Noses, Pristellas, and several varieties of Emperors, there are 6 dwarf Cichlids - 2 Electric Blue Rams, and 4 gold variety Apistos, along with a pair of near adult sibling Zebra Lace Angels… my Gold Nugget Pleco, and a large mature Zebra Oto, also call this tank home along with 4 Serbi Cory’s
Congrats to @Magnum Man for the win with your 55 gallon nicely scaped tank. Awesome tank.
Coming in 2nd place is @FriendlyGeek with their Fluval 240 beautifully scaped tank. Nice Going.
And coming in 3rd place is @fishjasonle with his 240 gallon massively scaped and very colorful tank. That's one spectacular tank.

This was a very close contest. Thanks for everyone that participated in the contest by entering and / or voting.

Right now we are accepting entries for our very popular Pet of the Month contest. If you have a pet besides fish please consider entering your pet into the contest.
CLICK HERE to view the POTM entry thread.
@Magnum Man has now won Tank of the Month and previously won Fish of the Month. Now they just need to win Pet of the Month to complete the trifecta.
@Magnum Man , do you own a pet you can enter in the POTM contest?
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I do…. But I’m not really worried about a trifecta… I’ve already entered my cute dog once… I could enter one of our 3 new chocolate lambs, but I’d rather see someone else win
Mmmm chocolate lambs. Just like a chocolate milkshake only crunchy :werewolf:


Enter the creature holding the lamb
Magnum had a little lamb
His fleece was white as snow
And everywhere that Magnum went
The Lamb was sure to go
Are you blind man, the sheep is chocolate, not white as snowy.

And that lamb is a stalker following Magnum everywhere
Congrats to @Magnum Man for the win with your 55 gallon nicely scaped tank. Awesome tank.
Coming in 2nd place is @FriendlyGeek with their Fluval 240 beautifully scaped tank. Nice Going.
And coming in 3rd place is @fishjasonle with his 240 gallon massively scaped and very colorful tank. That's one spectacular tank.

This was a very close contest. Thanks for everyone that participated in the contest by entering and / or voting.

Right now we are accepting entries for our very popular Pet of the Month contest. If you have a pet besides fish please consider entering your pet into the contest.
CLICK HERE to view the POTM entry thread.

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