Fish Crazy
What seems like a life time of cycling is over!!! we finally have decoration, plants and fish!!!
Rena aqualife 47gallon (210 ltrs)
Fluval 404
Fluval 104
Neon tetra
peppered Cory
Panda Cory
Rummy nise Tetra
Gold nugett Plec L081
Lemon spotted green Plec L200
Angelicus Plec L004
Starlight Bristlenose Plec L183
Rena aqualife 47gallon (210 ltrs)
Fluval 404
Fluval 104
Neon tetra
peppered Cory
Panda Cory
Rummy nise Tetra
Gold nugett Plec L081
Lemon spotted green Plec L200
Angelicus Plec L004
Starlight Bristlenose Plec L183