Hi! I promised that I’ll come back to present my tanks .
So… one of my tanks has 47 gallons, populated with a mix of fish species and also few amano shrimps.
AngelFish (Pterophyllum scalare) x3,
Gouramis (Pterophyllum scalare) x2,
Siamese Algae Eater (SAE - Crossocheilus siamensis) x4,
Ancistrus (Ancistrus cirrhosus) x1,
Amano shrimps (Caridina multidentata) x5.
Pomacea (Pomacea haustrum) x2
Neritina zebra (Neritina natalensis) x2
Microsorum pteropus,
Heteranthera zosterifolia,
Rotala rotundifolia.
Anubias barteri.
Aquatlantis aquarium - dimensions: W100xD41xH50cm (39.5x16.25x19.75”)
Lighting: 2x 39w T5 (TLD 840)
External filter - JBL CristalProfi e901
CO2 syistem – ProFlora 201u + adapt 500g CO2 bottle.
Red wood
Aquarium sand
If you want to know more , please feel free to ask anything.
I’ve attached a pic, but I think it better shows the video below.