46G bow front progression


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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I've been working on the tank for about 2 weeks now and it's getting closer. Here are some pictures of my progression
I still need to get a new bulb for the hood lamp as this one is only 4200k and I don't like the color it's putting out. the driftwood is almost completely waterlogged and should go in by the end of the week


And here's a poor picture of my newly installed $20 moonlight setup.
DAMN!!!!!!!!!!! those are cool rocks :flex: , That tank is gonna be soo good when all the fishies are in it. B)
hey, if you highlight the picture (as if to cut and paste it), you can get the effect without running up the electric bill!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Arashi said:
Ooohhh! Love that moonlight! Very cool! Can't wait to see updated pics with the bogwood and fishies in it. ;)
Yeah now that I've got it permanently installed(the picture was a test run) it looks better. Once the bogwood sinks I can start the plants. The tank is in the middle of the nitrite spike now.

and speck right now current stocking plan is

3 clown loaches

3 bala sharks

12 Cardinal tetra's
(maybe 6 lemon tetras)

3 cory cats

And perhaps a couple gouramis or something else not entirely sure yet.
Anyone interested in info on the moonlight setup? Cost was $20 USD plus a few misc things I had around the house.
why not write a journal of your moonlighter construction and post it to "do it yourself"?
Great looking tank :thumbs: Love the effect the moonlight has on the rockwork. Nicely done!
Nice tank, with the whole setup i thought you were going to use it for Cichlids, well it looked like a Cichlid tank to me. But anyway is a nice setup and i love the moonlight effect. :D
new moon light pic. I overexposed it a touch to show the color of the moonlight setup.
cAtFiSh- said:
omigod wow that is going to look sooooooooo good when it is totally finished. you have to post a pic of it when it is complete!
I will post pics when its done. Right now tonight I just put in my driftwood. I'm not really sure I like it but I'll post a pic of that tomorrow. I made a poll a week or so ago and the concensus was to add the driftwood. So it's in there but I'm not convinced so tomorrow I'll get some opinions once the water clears again since I stired it up while adding the wood.

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