

Fish Guru
Tank of the Month 🏆
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 8, 2019
Reaction score
Lawrenceburg, KY
Hello TFF! :)

Today I am going to my LFS to see if they would be interested in purchasing some of my Anacharis! (If any of you didn’t know, my 10g betta tank was extremely overgrown and I trimmed it last night. I got a whole gallon of Anacharis. It was crazy.)

Also I will try to be selling them some of my snails. I have estimated I have at least 1,000 now! Any tips from the pros out there on this subject? :)

(Pictures will be uploaded soon. ;))

(This is the heavily planted section of the tank, and that’s a picture of after trimmed it.)

(This is the 1 gallon ice cream bucket absolutely stuffed with Anacharis!)

So just as an update, I called my LFS and they said they would be willing to buy about $5 worth of it (or around 25 stems). Which isn’t as much as I had hoped for, but it’s better than nothing! :)
offer them the whole batch for $10...

so what is your secret to growing the huge amount of plants in a short time... I had no luck with anacharis. I have only had luck with anubias and hygrophila deformis.
All the love and attention you heap upon your fish and plants is never appreciated as much as by you yourself. I once sold a dozen Kribensis to a pet shop for $35 in store credit. They were almost 2 inches and pretty nice fish. I thought I'd get at least 50 bucks cash. :( No such luck. If anything, the best you can hope for is that your hobby will at least generate enough that your fish food is free.
But yes, as @Fishmanic wants to know, how did you grow all that good looking anacharis ? And it does look really good ! I can grow hornwort and duckweed like a champ but anacharis usually turns out stringy and light colored with half the leaves falling out. Snails are another thing. I had some pond snails come in on my hornwort but they are not reproducing and the ONE good one I have is growing slower than the twelve days of Christmas. I saw a plant website that sells snails and the prices are plenty high.
All of the plants I have there where grown I see less than 4 months.

Just make sure all of your water parameters are in check, and that you have at least 13 hours of light a day. I don’t use any fertilizers at all or any special substrate.

My LFS owner said that he sells them for $1.25 per 5 stems. The whole batch would have been worth around $25-$30.

At least I made $5! (I sold him 20 stems.) :)
you'd be better off selling some on ebay....for a few stems you get $7-$10. But you have to ship them in a baggie with some soaked wadded paper.
you'd be better off selling some on ebay....for a few stems you get $7-$10. But you have to ship them in a baggie with some soaked wadded paper.
I actually considered doing just that, but I have no experience as to what the shipping cost would be, and how to properly ship them so they don’t die. Any tips/advice?
So I was looking on eBay today, (to see how much some would go for) and I saw this....

That is insane. $551.79 for 30 single plants?

Does anyone else think that’s crazy!? :confused:
Who would pay that !!!???!!!
Anyway, what @Fishmanic said about wrapping in wet paper and put in a baggy is right on. That's how my Hornwort I ordered came and It was perfectly fine. Use USPS Priority Mail 2 Day. Everyone does that with live shipments and nobody balks because they want it alive. You pass that on to the buyer. The Killifish people do it all the time. If fish arrive alive like that plants surely will. @PheonixKingZ Master and Commander of a thriving cottage industry. I can see it now.
Man , yours took off better than mine. Is that some of what I sent or did you buy more? Surely you didn’t get that from the amount that I sent!
Man , yours took off better than mine. Is that some of what I sent or did you buy more? Surely you didn’t get that from the amount that I sent!
It’s really a mixture. At the back of the tank, I laid one down so that it was sideways and then buried the 2 ends. A few weeks later it started to grow new sprouts. That way, when looking at the tank it hasn’t the appearance of a lot of different plants. And after I did that, those sprouts sprouted out and made all of the plants you see above.

@Deanasue, how many hours a day do you leave for light on for?

(Another tip is to get a powerful light. The light that came with my 5g kit is just barely bright enough to grow Anacharis. ;))
Who would pay that !!!???!!!
Anyway, what @Fishmanic said about wrapping in wet paper and put in a baggy is right on. That's how my Hornwort I ordered came and It was perfectly fine. Use USPS Priority Mail 2 Day. Everyone does that with live shipments and nobody balks because they want it alive. You pass that on to the buyer. The Killifish people do it all the time. If fish arrive alive like that plants surely will. @PheonixKingZ Master and Commander of a thriving cottage industry. I can see it now.
Great advice! Thanks! :)

(Lol on that last part. :lol:)
It’s really a mixture. At the back of the tank, I laid one down so that it was sideways and then buried the 2 ends. A few weeks later it started to grow new sprouts. That way, when looking at the tank it hasn’t the appearance of a lot of different plants. And after I did that, those sprouts sprouted out and made all of the plants you see above.

@Deanasue, how many hours a day do you leave for light on for?

(Another tip is to get a powerful light. The light that came with my 5g kit is just barely bright enough to grow Anacharis. ;))
I leave my lights on 12 hours. Your plants are very impressive!
I leave my lights on 12 hours. Your plants are very impressive!
Thank you! I also have a lot of Salvinia and a few big frogbit plants. This helps to keep the algae down on the substrate.

(Btw I leave my lights on for 14 hours a day, but I’m not really sure 2 hours has anything to do with it...? I think it’s more with my light, and how bright it is. :))

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