45 gallon update



Hey all. Some of you might know that I set up a 45 gallon tank in July. I posted pics of it about a while back. Thought I'd share a few newer ones. Here's my CAE. He's moving out as soon as I find a used 20 gallon for him and my tiger barbs to move into. I think he knows he's being watched, because he's been on his best behaviour as of late. :rolleyes:


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You can see him in this one, too. I'm pretty pleased with how my Amazon sword and cardamine are doing in this tank. :wub:


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Here's one of my juvenile angels. They were just babies when I got them a couple of months ago; they're growing like stink! :wub:


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Here's a better idea of the sword in the corner. I think you can see some golden barbs here, too.


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Lol @ the silver dollar hiding behind the plant in that last one :rolleyes: They're so shy. Here's a picture of the two big ones. You can see that the one in front has a broken tail. :no: I did that to him when moving him from one tank to another. He thrashed around so badly in the net, I had to hold him so he wouldn't jump out. Next time, I'm scooping them up with an ice cream pail!


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One more... This isn't a good picture, but it's awfully funny if you've followed any of my sagas about the renegade opaline gourami who terrorizes the tank and eats small tetras. I've been trying to get a picture of him for months. He's not so tough when the camera's around, is he!!


  • shy_opaline.JPG
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They are quality pics - how old is your CAE?

Also do you know the name of your plant in the pic with the golden barbs? The big green leafy one (LOL like that narrows it down!!)

Thanks Platypus. I think you mean the Amazon sword. Echinodorus something or other. lol My CAE is a couple of years old... I think. Gosh, I don't really remember when I first got him. He was super tiny - no bigger than an otocinclus. He lived in a ten gallon tank with guppies for most of his life, though. In just the few months that he's been in the 45 gallon, he's doubled in size.

I lied about no more pics. Here's one more of a java fern. You can see the sad little sand patch to the left. I dumped that there for the kuhli loaches I bought the other day; it has to suffice until I can move this whole crowded community into something much larger. (been shopping around for a used tank... something in the 90 - 100 gallon range hehehe)


  • java_fern.JPG
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I think you mean the Amazon sword.
Cheers - I want to change one of my plants which isn't very attractive, I just got it because it grows like b*ggery! So I think I'll try and get one of those, it looks lovely.

Ooooh so does that mean we'll get pics of the kuhlis soon?! I am very excited as I love them and want some so much!
Ron! Don't call Platypus an Amazon!!!! That's not nice! Poor Platypus..... :-(
Thanks everybody! That Amazon sword started as a baby on a runner in my 33 gallon tank.

FreshMike - It's my tank, not platypus'!

I added a couple more kuhlis and a bunch of pink rotala and some bacopa yesterday, so I guess I should take some more pics. :D

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