40uk Gal Tank - Stocking Ideas / Options


Fish Fanatic
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Ashford, Kent, UK
Hi All,

As we have converted our 20gal nano tank into a Quarrantine tank for the time being and moved the LR etc into a 40gal UK tank I was wondering on the fish capacity of this - (the nano we planned a couple clowns only realy!). As the fish inch per gallon rule im told dont realy apply to marine setups and ive read of 40gal tanks from 4 - 16 fish any guidance would be cool.

Smaller / colourfull fish suggestions - and max fish qty would be cool - want to ensure things go in the right order to avoid agression issues too :p

In there at the moment is one true perc clown and one algae blenny. Would add a 2nd clown 1st in a months time or so (as Sophie thinks "nemo needs his daddy" that bloody film eh :fun: ).

its sumpless / skimmed / 1m x 45cm x 40cm in size with a coarse crushed coral and sand mix substrate.
Fairy Wrasses :D. Tons of varieties, great personality, and amazing colors

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