Fish Crazy
What lighting, filter, corals, fish, and invertabrtes would you recommend for my 55g? Yes I have decided to get corals for this tank.
a couple of yellow tangs look nice and take care of algae for you. lighting if you have the budget either metal halides or T5 pc's. cleaner shrimp look nice but i dont know if there any good with corals .
As it turns out a yellow tang will outgrow a 55g So I have come up with a stocking plan. 1 coral beauty or lemonpeel angelfish,
a couple of yellow tangs look nice and take care of algae for you. lighting if you have the budget either metal halides or T5 pc's. cleaner shrimp look nice but i dont know if there any good with corals .
a couple of yellow tangs look nice and take care of algae for you. lighting if you have the budget either metal halides or T5 pc's. cleaner shrimp look nice but i dont know if there any good with corals .
Even 1 YT is unsuitable for a tank that size, nevermind 2, also keeping 2 YT's aint a good idea, they are best kept either as singles of in odd number shouls
As Callum says Lemonpeels are a bit risky with corals it depends on the induvidual fish personality, you may get lucky
I have also heard of Coral Beauty's that have devestated a reef tank, but I have had a SB for years that has never touched any of my corals (Saofties, SPS or LPS)
A Yellow or Cheveron Tang (2 of my fav fish) would be be fine in your 72g