4 X White Cloud Mountain Minnows Free


Fish Crazy
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
Livestock: 4 x White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Age and condition: I've had them for 2 years, bought from an LFS, They are in good condition
Quantity for sale: 4
Reason for Sale: Breaking Down Tank
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: N/A Free to anyone who will be willing to make the journey
Postage & Packaging: N/A
Location: Burton-upon-trent, Derbyshire
Yes thats fine, what time was you thinking?
They are temperate (so 15-24) they can go higher but don't do so well/live as long.

(there are reports of them living in even cooler water, however, I'm not sure that aquarium bred stock would be so hardy).
Are the fish still available?? I can collect over the weekend if so. Thanks
Hi, sorry ive only just seen your reply, yes they are still available for free to anyone who wants to come and get them :)

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