4 spot blue neon snakehead


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
plymouth, uk
hi i have just got home today my new snakehead to add in the tank with my birchers which are now in their own 55 gallon, the lfs have said its a dwarf variety that only reaches 16 inches would just like some info if anyone has any
the lfs have said its a dwarf variety that only reaches 16 inches would just like some info if anyone has any

A 16" snakehead isnt a dwarf species, in fact it is quite large and certainly is not a fish that should be housed with other fish unless you intend them to be feeders. Snakeheads are really a species tank only fish but sometimes it is possible to keep the dwarf varieties which dont usually grow much larger than 8" with fish that are much larger than them, but even then it is risky as snakeheads are capable of even taking prey larger than themselves.

If you can find the scientific name of your snakehead this site offers a lot of information on snakeheads http://www.fishace.demon.co.uk/snake/title.html

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