4 Of My Guppies Are Dead And One's Dying....help!


New Member
Mar 30, 2009
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Hello there!

April 9 I bought 2 new guppies in my LFS, then after 2 days one of them died so I took it back and they gave me an exchange b'coz my water was spot on when they tested it, nitrates was a bit high but nothing to worry they said, as long as nitrites is 0ppm and no presence of ammonia. I took the exchange home and put him in the tank, they were happy for a day then suddenly I found 2 of my (old) lyretail guppy hiding and sunk on the bottom of the tank, I've isolated them in my breeding trap and fed them and they ate, they were fine afterwards. But then yesterday morning I found my (old) fancy guppy floating and very dead out of nowhere and (new) exchange guppy hiding with almost no tail at all, so I've isolated him and called my LFS and they said he might have been bullied overnight and just leave him isolated and fed and his tail should heal in 2 weeks or so. So, I left him there and he was fine until this morning he died, took him out right away and fed the rest. That's when I realized one of my (old) lyretail guppy is sunk on the bottom of the tank upside-down and not feeding so I thought he was dead as well so I tried to take him out then he tried to swim so I waited for few minutes if he was going to swim some more but he didn't so I put him in the breeding tank 'coz the others trying to nip him. It's been about 30 min now but he's still sunk and completely motionless and gasping with rapid gill movement, he'll probably die as well.

So here's my questions:
What's happening to my tank?
Am I doing something wrong? If so, then what?
And lastly, what can I do so I won't lose some more fishes?

I am so sorry about this very long post, I am just very worried.

Thanks in advance.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

It sounds like the new guppys have fetched something into the tank.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Once guppys lose half of there tail they rarely make it.
Once fish are upside down the rarely make it.

If no signs of flicking and rubbing I would add a bacterial med to the tank.
Any red streaking or sores on the body or fins of the fish.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

It sounds like the new guppys have fetched something into the tank.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Once guppys lose half of there tail they rarely make it.
Once fish are upside down the rarely make it.

If no signs of flicking and rubbing I would add a bacterial med to the tank.
Any red streaking or sores on the body or fins of the fish.

I have a 60 litre tank

1x Platy
1x Neon Tetra
3x Tiger Barbs
2x Lyretail Guppy
6x Diamond Tetra
5x Harlequins
2x Golden Zebra Danios
8x Fancy Guppy
1x Armoured Shrimp

Ammonia is 0, Nitrate is 40ppm-50ppm, Nitrite is 0ppm, ph is 8.0
No idea what's flicking and rubbing behaviour of fish is....so sorry but there is like a white thing around one of my diamond tetras mouth and he can't seem to close it.
Your tanks overstocked.
What your tap nitrate reading.
If the mouth looks fluffy, bleached out or cotton strand coming from the mouth its columnaris.
Your tanks overstocked.
What your tap nitrate reading.
If the mouth looks fluffy, bleached out or cotton strand coming from the mouth its columnaris.

My tap nitrate reading is around 40ppm too, I tried to put some plants to help but I only put them yesterday.
The surrounding of his mouth is really white and his eyes is quite popped-out compare to the other ones. And he hides a lot.
I would add a bacterial med to the tank.
Whats your location.
I would add a bacterial med to the tank.
Whats your location.

I am in Southest of England, Brighton to be precise. I did bought an Interpet No. 9 today but I am not 100% sure on how to use it, I don't have an additional aeration in my tank just the normal circulation from my filter. And after reading the instructions seems like I could use one. And is it better to use this medicine with Aqualibrium Tonic Salt considering the different fishes I have in my tank? Thanks
For mouth fungus which is columnaris you need pimafix and the interpet med also added.
Low water line so the filter hits the water harder to create more aeration.

I wouldn't add the salt as you have to fish that don't tolerate it to well.
And when he's stationary he flickers a lot, like a fit. I don't know if it's normal or one of the symptoms. The other Diamond Tetras does the same but not as vigorously and I can't see a lot of whiteness around their mouth but just a small spot, wondering if that's the start of it.
Any excess mucas on the gills or body of the fish.
Doesn't seem to have any but his gills are quite red but then gills are red :) his breathing is a bit rapid than the others, he's not right on the bottom or right on top though which is a good sign I hope.
If water quality is good it could be bacterial gill rot or flukes.
But if the fish are flicking and laboured breathing it could be gill flukes.
your overstocked 2 to 3 times so your always going to run into problems. hopefully you can get your current problems under control but your going to need a WAY bigger tank ASAP.

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