4 New Corys


Fish Crazy
Jun 11, 2007
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got some fish yesterday. intended to get 6 dnios ended up with 10 longfin (5 zebra and 5 spotted if im counting right). Also got 4 corys. 2 bronze 1 peppered and 1 panda. have since been reading that i prob should have got 4 of the same type. they seem happy enough at the min. whats your opinion on this? and would i have room for another peppered and panda so i would have 2 of each. would like to have some room left for a few guppys.

thanks for the help
Congrats on your new additions.

What size is your tank?? Cories don't mind other cories, but they prefer to hang out with their own type. I have pandas, Sterbai, Concolor and Trilineatus and although they like each other, LOVE being int their own group.

They are only truly happy in groups of 4-6 of their own type. So if you are able to get more (no sure what size tank you have), it would make them happy little cories.

What kind of filtration have you got in the tank??

There isn't really enough space to get more of each cory. It's best to choose a group and stick with them. Having so many little fish in the tank, you'd need better filtration too. So I think the best bet is to decide whether you want bronze, pepper or panda and stick with a small group of those, about 4-6 should be ok. Panda cories also seem to be more fragile than the other two, and you may have losses with these. They do require higher level of water quality. We were lucky that we found two great retailers and got great specimens.

A canister filter will probably be a good solution. It doesn't take up valuable space in the tank and it increases biological filtration.

the tank is a juwel rekord 70 so it has the juwel internal filter and 400 powerhead

that means we would have to get rid of some of the ones we all ready have which we would prefer not two. you dont think geting one more panda and one more peppered cory, which would be 6 all together is a good idea?
I suppose adding another panda and pepper would be better than the one's you already have being alone. Is this a very well established tank? You would have to introduce new fish slowly as not to overload the filter. What type of substrate do you have? Cories prefer sand to gravel, as they love rooting for food. And do you have places for them to hide? What tank decor have you got?


its our first tank, here is a picture

we only put these fish in on wed. they have some place to hide but not much, i will get more plants wen i go to get the rest of the fish.
Tank looks good. Gravel looks good. It's rounded isn't it? How long did you cycle the tank before adding the fish? It's all about getting the little filtration enzymes going.

yep its pea gravel so mostly rounded. the shop we bought the set up from also give us some used filter media. we will wait another while before we add anymore.

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