4-H Rabbits 4 years.


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2004
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My daughter and i started raiseing bunnies 4 years ago. we started with 1 Netherland Dwarf now we have 18 rabbits from 1 steel flemish giant to BEW netherland dwafts . even have a couple of holland lops , mini rex are mine.. my aviator is one of my mini rex..
Lucky daughter that you are into this with her! Raising rabbits is great fun and rewarding. I bet your bunnies would do very well in the fair up here. :)

the key is i wasn't aloud to have a pet when i was little.. hope to add a goat in the near future.. we are buying 5 acres of land next month.
What type of goats? They need really good fencing to keep them in and do keep other things out like neighbor's dogs. You are going to have so much fun with them. They are quite a bit of work as far as feet and fencing but they are loads of fun. Enjoy!

I love rabbits :wub: That must be fun for you guys! Where in Texas are you,wmf?
pigmy goat from a rabbit breader that raises goats and horses too.. and it will be 5 acres..
I love Flemish Giants! :wub:
I raised Mini Lops, Fuzzy Lops, and Dutch when I was in 4-H with my Dad. Bunnies are honestly some of my best memories with my Dad, and I am sure your daughter will feel the same!
I love your mini rex, my friend in 4-H raised those, they are so soft, I'm sure you'll agree you can't imagine it until you've felt it!

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