4 ft tank question


New Member
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego
Hi, i'm about to set up my first tank ever. It is a 60 gallon (4 ft.) tank. I was wondering how many cichlids I could fit in this tank. I would also like to get some suggestions on which cichlids have good compatibility together. I like the bright colored cichlids like the eectric blue and yellow labs.

Any suggestions?
the rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon and there are thousands of different combinations of fish that can be put into your tank but it is best to choose the fish u like then ask other forum members if that would work i found the fish i like and asked and they would work like i added yellow labs for yellow a tret for blue (only one because of high agression) and a brichardi for there lighter color and the others because i liked them
here is a website with tons of fish to look through from mostly lake malawi and tanganyika
Thank you so much for that website. It is pretty much exactly what I was looking for.

wow that website is far better than the one i suggested its got every fish i could think of
hey cichlid addict, are you maybe a moderater or something at cichlid-forum too, cause i got banned like an hour after joining, and i have no idea why, happened about a month ago

could you help
The website was very unstable at one point, though I didn't know about account deletions. I'm sure like this sit they will ban you if you are rude to others, but otherwise I'd just try again.
how try again?
cause i was very polite and only posted one thing that couldn't have been offensive in anyway just some happy faces, can't get into any part on the site

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