4 Free Male Endlers Guppys To A Good Home/tank


New Member
Feb 15, 2009
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I went to buy white cloud mountain minnows for my cold water tank yesterday. The shop had sold out, but they told me Endlers Guppys would be fine as well - so I bought 4 males.

I've since read up on them and and they are usually tropical fish (although they can survive in cooler temps). They seem fine in my tank, but I'm worried they will get stressed and find it too cold in the longterm.

Would anybody with a tropical tank like the fish? They are about 2cm long at most, lovely and colourful and active.

Please e-mail me if you are interested: [email protected]

I live in Sheffield, Crookes, S10.


ill take them if theyre still available i have a spare cycled tank waiting
in in s5 sheffield so collection is no problem
I keep mine in cold water and their fine, with central heating average homes are around 18c an d these fish are fine down to 14c

Still if u want to rehome then fine.

Unless ur keeping them with goldfish or something.

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