4 eyed fish


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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Pittsburgh, PA
I saw some cool looking fish at my lfs and they were called 4 eyed fish. They had sphere shaped eyes that were always above water. Does anyone know anything about them? Just curious...
Well what did you want to know? As Sir minion has said they are brackish fish and grow to around 12". They are livebearers and as with other livebearing species should be kept in groups of 2 females to each male to avoid sexual harrasment. They can be reluctant to take flake and pellet foods at first and may need to be fed with floating insects such as crickets and mealworms, they will also chase down and eat any small fish so tankmates should be chosen carefully.
THey are also called.... ANABLEPS!!! I LOVE that name!! It's so fun to say!! Say it: ANABLEP!!! Anablep, Anablep, Anablep, Anablep, Anablep!!!! Hahahahahaha!!! Okay. ANyway, here's what I know:

Anableps (Anablep, Anablep!!! YAAAAY! okayI'llshutupnow) are semi-aggressive fish native to South America. Like CFC says, they get around 11-12 inches long and are carnivorous, mainly eating insects and small fishes. They are also live-bearers. But the coolest thing about these fish is not their strange eye adaptation; it is their name. ANABLEP!!! Anablep, Anablep, Anablep, Anablep, Anablep, Anablep, Anablep, Anablep, ANABLEP!!! I can't get over that name!!! :lol: :D :fun: :S :shifty: :p :huh: :huh: :dunno: :dunno:
Say, where did you see those, anyway? I wanna get one now. HEY, ANYBODY!!! Would one or two of those things fit in a fifty gallon? Huh? Huh? HUh? ANABLEPS!!! Anablep. Anablep. Anablep. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! :fun: :p
Wow, Never, you sure love that name.

If you come to Baltimore, my LFS has a bunch of Anableps. I'M NO EXPERT, but they look small enough to fit two into a 50 gal. But I wouldn't do more than 2. Of course, they overstock at the lfs, so they have like 10 in a 20 gal.

They seem to be very active fish also, and they stay at the surface. (from what I've seen)

If I had a big tank I would consisder it, but that's not going to happen for a year or 2. Trying to relocate back to Pittsburgh, which may take a few years. Don't want to start a huge tank until I settle down.

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