4 1/2 Ft Tank?


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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hi all,
well here goes my partner is getting his new 6 1/2 ft tank (800 liters english) tomorrow and im having his 4 1/2 ft tank for my fish i already have: 1 plec, 1 catfish, 1 pictus cat, 9 cory's, 4 guoramis and 1 angel
and my plan for this tank was to have white sand and large pebbles stacked in one corner with my plecs (large bell) home at the opposite end from the pebbles, and some live plants, all sounds good may not turn out as good lol what does eveyone think to that?

also i will have more room for a few more fish and im totally lost on what to get i would like a few more cory's, but i need mainly middle swimmers that are NOT aggressive in any way, any ideas??
i have a mollie tank already and not interested in platy's or guppy's (incase anyone suggests them to me)

one more thing i've been looking for an a-z of tropical fish on google but its not been very helpful anyone have any sites that they know of please post it would be so helpful thanks in advance
hm, well i wouldnt get more cories because imo, there are a lot of bottom swimming fish already.

I would say get some rainbows if your tank isnt already at its full stock.
its at its near full now in their smaller tank but when move i would like to add a couple of small nice fish, are rainbows small?
you can get small and larger rainbows. Dwarf neons are only a couple of inches and there's another type who's name i cant remember for the life of me! lol. Begins with C ... argh ....
Anyway - there are also larger ones that get to about 4/5 inches - bosemani and red i think.

I've also heard that different types of rainbow fish will happily school together which gives you room for a bit of variety!
you can get small and larger rainbows. Dwarf neons are only a couple of inches and there's another type who's name i cant remember for the life of me! lol. Begins with C ... argh ....
Anyway - there are also larger ones that get to about 4/5 inches - bosemani and red i think.

I've also heard that different types of rainbow fish will happily school together which gives you room for a bit of variety!

M. Praecox get to be about 2 inches

Most of the other species are in the 4-5 inch range.

They're very peaceful, but very active feeders. They do like to gorge themselves and will catch full catfish pellets in their mouths. Being to big to swallow, they hold them until they soften enough to eat it.

I only have 1 species, but reports are that they're fine and will school with similar species
i will have a look when i next visit my lfs, anyone else for small/medium size non agressive fish? any advice would be greatful and thatnks to thoses who have already suggested :rolleyes:
What about a nice shoal of congo tetras? They are not too small, but I think they will make a great sight for your size tank.

i just looked them up and i quite like them they look a nice size and would fit in nicely with my size tank they are definatly a possibility!! thanks :good:

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