37 Us Gallon Cycling, Stocking Question


New Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Akron, Ohio
Hello all! I went a little overboard and went for the 37 gallon tank over the 29 gallon I had previously mentioned. Lighting for me is a bit of a problem, seeing how it's a column tank (18" deep, 20" wide, 24" tall), but the LFS had a good deal on the tank with 10% off of other items, so I purchased an AC Hob 50 filter, a smaller model powerhead, the appropriate heater, and it is all set up and cycling! Very, very, very excited to start working on this tank. So far, I have two small pieces of drift wood which are vertical in the tank, (will post pictures tomorrow as I am extremely beat for the night), and I have some java moss attached to one of the pieces, and another to some stone which I purchased and washed. I have some PVC pipe fixtures and tubing that I have cut and fit into the rocks, and also have one in the sand substrate I have chosen.

For my lighting, however, that is where the problem lies. I have two 15 watt florescence which I have purchased (part of the tank set), and reading more and more about lighting and how important it is, I am a bit frustrated. I have a total of 30 watts for my 37 gallon tank, leaving me with approximately .8 WPG. I do not want to grow crazy amounts of live plants, but I would, however, like to have some sort of tall plant, such as a water wisteria. I did not buy anything extra to add below the sand substrate for plant nutrients, due to the fact that I did not want to get too "high tech", involving CO2 injectors and the such. I'd just like a small, low light tank with some low light plants.

Now that the background information on the tank is given, I have a few questions. I am already using media from a smaller fully cycled tank to jump start the cycle, and am looking for some suggestions for stocking. I really would love to get three or four dwarf puffers for my tank, seeing how the water will not be brackish, and I do not want a 6 inch figure eight puffer swimming around my tank. I would like, however, to add some color to the tank, and some sort of danio, or tetra was suggested by the owner of a LFS. It's not a chain store, and he's a fish fanatic, (devoting his basement to 57 fish tanks). He had suggested that the smaller fish would be much faster than the puffers, thus somewhat negating their aggression. The danios would be a top dweller, and the tetras would fit perfectly below that. As for some sort of bottom dweller, I'd like to get a few corys, but I'm afraid they'll be the main target for the puffers. Also looking to get somewhat of an algae eater, to help with that.

To give you some sort of an idea on what type of PH I have, it's sitting at about a 7.8. I understand this is a little bit basic, but I had read that numerous fish actually thrive around 7.5, (swordtails ;-P). This is a concern for me, however, because the tetras, from what I understand, prefer slightly more acidic waters (6-7). Also, my GH is about a 13, and the same for the KH. From what I've read, KH represents the buffer amount for your PH, which would mean that my PH SHOULD stay about where it's at. Now, as for my hardiness, having such a hard water, would that be harmful for my fish? I have read that a good range is between 6 and 16 degrees.

So with all of this information, which I understand is a lot ( : X ), when my tank is finally cycled, can I introduce the named fish above, and about how many of each if applicable? I understand that Tetras are best in schools of 6 or more, and danios do like their numbers too. I do not know much about Corys, and I haven't got around to researching them much yet. As for the puffers, they are to be the center piece of the tank and I'd like to make sure they have a very happy and healthy home. If there are some fish which would be more suitable for this set up, please feel free to add your input. Thank you so much!!! Looking forward to your replies.

hi you seem to have a good idea of whats happening as a recommendation id go a red tail black shark or siamese flying fox for algea eaters as for bottom dwellers you could try some kribnesis, mollies are also god algea eaters. well good luck and hope you find what you want
Only problem with them are that they'll be targets for the puffers. After some more reading, looks like puffers are only really kept in species tanks, with an occasional Otos catfish. So maybe I'll be doing something else. I do enjoy swordtails, so maybe I'll just take my tetras/danios over to the larger tank, add some more of each, and keep the 10 gallon I have for strictly swordtails. Perhaps I'll get some Corys and an algae eater or two, and just have a lively looking tank. : )
Also, here are some pictures of the new tank. I added the moss yesterday, and it's looking pretty good I think. It's loosely tied to the drift wood, and a few rocks setting on top of the other. Any comments or questions are welcome, as well as recommendation for stock/aquascaping. Thanks : )




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