37 Gal Stocking Ideas


Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2020
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Hi all,

I have a 37 gallon with 6 Diamond Tetras and 1 Albino Bristlenose Pleco. It's a planted tank and well established, I have had the tetras for 3 years.

I am considering adding to the tank and was wondering if Boesemani Rainbowfish could be a candidate to add? The googling I have done says 26 - 30 gallons as recommended tank size. However I wonder if that's actually too small given they do reach up to 3.9 inches for males potentially?

Curious what folks here think, thank you.
I think bosemani rainbowfish would be too large for the tank since you normally keep a lot of them together.
Boesemani are beautiful Rainbowfish 😍 they do indeed need a larger tank (4ft+) males can reach 4 an half inches. They do prefer harder water to your tetra also🙂
I agree with the others that Bosemani are too big for this kind of tank, they do take a long time to grow but I'd say 55 gallons as a minimum, 75-90 gallons for them to do well.

Rainbowfish typically come from harderwater too and your other fish are softwater species so bit of a clash if you dont have quite neutral water.

Have you thought about something simple like a Cardinal Tetra? Still strong blues and surprisingly big as adults, I mean not Bosemani size but not tiny tetra size you see in the shops.

Or you could look at a small group of Apistogramma Panduro - steel blue and red males and black and yellow females.

Thanks all! I suspected these websites were not accurate. It seemed too small for a fish needing to be in a group. Thank you. I'll keep researching. Apistogramma does look cool, maybe I will research those. Thanks!

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