350 trigon second hand for free


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2020
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So after I was given a 350 trigon (just the tank and lid) it’s been a few months I deciding what to do.
finally it’s set up and now cycling.

Running an FX4 external filter
2 x 300w heaters (1 on back order)
Juwel 895mm day bulb x1
Jewel 895mm natural bulb x1
Air stone ( not yet in the tank)
Hygrophila corymbosa
Echinodorus red wild grass
Clinopodium brownei
Resin tree stump.
I will be adding some real wood but none in stock that I like.

Build pictures below. 0048B87B-4E0B-4B2B-898F-E6675821FAA3.jpegEBD166B1-AFC8-4D9E-BF55-83EEB76940BE.jpegA3E73A96-7624-4416-BC71-CFCE7B9E08B7.jpeg79DB6257-10D3-4293-935A-737BD25C5055.jpeg3F96DD2B-1784-425C-8FD0-40F90131B3E3.jpegDF678E7D-41FD-41B2-9606-2302836987AE.jpeg8472DD24-ABEB-4FEC-B9FA-F76772A88959.jpeg601ECD40-908E-4BAE-9591-1720BAA73789.jpegB7B89774-A29F-46A8-88BE-22F3FA8517CB.jpeg36D7B096-E7FE-46F6-885E-4086FD2C99D7.jpeg54236665-7D95-4059-8FAA-4EA80DE57391.jpeg54AD0875-FBEF-4127-8DA2-6BE4550E83B6.jpeg2D7B9A5C-CE8C-4BAE-A53A-26CB0EA8A95C.jpegD1DA3F90-C91B-464B-A07A-66C2FBEA80BD.jpeg
Amazing. What an exciting tank, and even more exciting to get it for free :D for a hot second based on the title I thought you were giving it away and I was like "wait what, you just finished building the stand for this!! What went wrong?!?" I'm glad that was not the case :)
Amazing. What an exciting tank, and even more exciting to get it for free :D for a hot second based on the title I thought you were giving it away and I was like "wait what, you just finished building the stand for this!! What went wrong?!?" I'm glad that was not the case :)
Maybe I should rephrase the title lol.
Been a long process and the stand isn’t 100% complete but the main structure is there and holding strong and steady.

I’ll be adding more plants around the back of the tank but waiting to see how these will fill out first. I’m a complete novice with plants.
I’m hoping it will be an exciting tank just fit to wait for the cycle to finish
Have you got any pictures of the underside of the top of the stand? I would love to see how you put that together.

well done!
Be sure to enter that bad boy in a future Tank of the Month contest. February's contest will be for tanks sized at 31 US gallons and larger. Nice job building the stand.
Have you got the tank sitting on some polystyrene. It is just that the chip board can swell if it gets wet, making it uneven and that can cause pressure points on the base of the tank.
Juwel tanks are floating base tanks. The instructions say not to place anything between the tank and stand.

From the Juwel Trigon 350 manual
The JUWEL Aquarium is built with a special bottom frame for security. The aquarium should be placed directly onto the cabinet. DO NOT place any additional support, e.g. polystyrene, under the aquarium since this is not necessary with our aquariums.
Have you got the tank sitting on some polystyrene. It is just that the chip board can swell if it gets wet, making it uneven and that can cause pressure points on the base of the tank.
I brushed some water seal on the chipboard to help with some water resistants but not got anything under the tank apart some reflective foil to help keep the heat in.

Be sure to enter that bad boy in a future Tank of the Month contest. February's contest will be for tanks sized at 31 US gallons and larger. Nice job building the stand.
I’ll keep my eyes open for that one, hopefully by then it will be cycled with fish in and the plants starting to fill out. My fist attempt at making something out of wood, I’m a mechanic so metal no problem but you can’t weld wood

The 350 Triton, would that be 350L?
Yup 350L.
won’t be moving it anytime soon
Juwel tanks are floating base tanks. The instructions say not to place anything between the tank and stand.

From the Juwel Trigon 350 manual
I know that is the instructions. My tank at the moment is a second hand juwel and it kept popping the bottom seal. It is on the Juwel stand, the only way I have managed to stop it was to put some poly under it. That has taken out the imperfection that must be in the old stand.

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