
This summer i just spawned me some zebra danios, so i thought i would help.

1. How deep should I have my water?
at the spawning event my tank water was 4 inches above the substrate. After this i added an inch of new water each day until the 4th day

2. What should I feed the fry? Newly hatched brine shrimp?
on the 4th day i saw a few hatched fry. Ideally i would have fed them liquifry or something to that effect (infusorians. i didnt have anythign like this nor did the LFS so i bought something called baby bites which were really small fish food pellets for live bearer fry. It worked out though. after about a week or so after them free swimming about i fed them BBS. I continued to feed them that for a long while. probably longer than i should have

3. When to start feeding them?
i guess i answered this in number 2

With any other questions i would first consult This Sticky. It may also be helpful to see This Video which i viewed and really helped me

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