34 gal


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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hi all been referred to this forum,
i am in need of some advice regarding the stocking of my tank,
its a 3 and a bit foot 34 gal tank, good filtration etc
wanted some suggestions on a tank setup that would work,
im not after the most common fish just some fish that have been kept in similar sized tanks B)
thanks alot
My advice is go to your lfs and look at the pretty fish in the community tanks. Don't pick out anything that will grow more then 3", and don't forget to ask what it's compatible with. My wife and I got to the lfs, and pick out potential fish that we like. We then go home and learn EVERYTHING we can on them on the internet. ie preferred hardness, ph, etc. Then if they are compatible, we buy them. We go to the internet for our information cuz our lfs can't answer any of our questions.

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