33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

Well, things are going very well. I'll have a big batch of pictures tomorrow or sometime this weekend. We have sand now. Because one of the fish we're planning to keep is a jawfish, we have a lot of sand in places. It'll be easier once I post a picture, but the way it is now, there's about an inch of sand in the front of the tank, sloping up to five inches of sand in the middle up against the live rock in the back. I'm hoping the jawfish is smart enough to make his home where there's plenty of sand :)

We'll also be adding part of the cleanup crew soon, as the water parameters are looking good, and a little bit of algae is starting to pop up.
Ok, so I finally got some new pictures, full tank, various pieces of rock, that stuff. Enjoy.



In this one, is this just algae, sea grass, what?



hmmmm. is that with your new sand?

hmmmm. love the sand. that whiteish color looks nice. do you get that same color in person?
That's the only sand I have...

And no, it's not quite THAT white in person, the pictures are a tad overexposed.
Just a quick update with possible pictures to follow...

Found a starfish on the glass tonight. It's not big, a few centimeters, but definitely a starfish, and it's moving around on the glass now.
Thought I'd update this, just to let everyone know how it's going (because I know everyone cares). First, you can find pictures of stuff here.

I haven't had any real problems with the tank or water quality, although I did have a couple deaths. Our first jawfish jumped out. We knew he would try this, and we covered the back of the tank, but not well enough. We have a second jawfish now, who's doing extremely well. His hole is in the front of the tank, and he's nowhere near as shy as the old one.

Also, as you see in the picture, we have our seahorses now. We have two, both are doing very well, and eating well. They're actually little pigs. It's amazing to watch them dive bomb the mysis and chase it all over the tank. One of them likes to stay hitched to something most of the time, the other prefers to swim around and play in the current.

Here is an up to date full tank shot, you can see the jawfish in the lower left, and one of the seahorses in the back, hitched onto a rock.

Looks really nice, and I dunno about everybody else, but I care :)
Hey great job on the tank.Its awsome seeing a tank from start to finish in the time it took me to read this.Looks good keep it coming!

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