33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

Yes, it's got several timers, and it's actually kind of complicated :p I know for sure it has two day outlets and two night outlets, and you can do stuff on and off at the same time just on one day, the week days, the week end, or the whole week. It's really kinda cool.
My wife had a nano reef a while ago, and I remember the bristleworms, and other things I didn't really want to be touching (or have touch me), so the gloves are perfect.
Nice steup.

Do you know if the power strip / timer is suitable to start flourecent lighting such as compacts as all the timers I have come across in the UK state not suitable for flourecent lighting. An Electrician from work believes its something to do with the Current surge when the lights are starting up. Sounds feasible. You would think that a purpose manufactured unit like yours is suitable.
Ok, it's been longer than I thought it'd be , but here is a picture of the tank with the new rock! I might get more, not sure at this point. I think what I have now will support the relatively small bioload I'll be putting in the tank, but I think I might just add some mushroom/zoo rocks later on.

The water has cleared up since the last picture, and I've got the filter and skimmer in. The filter has added the perfect amount of flow in addition to my powerhead, and the skimmer is working, I think, not really experienced with skimmers. It's producing foam, I'm just not sure how much it should be producing. I'll get pictures of everything up soon.
sounds great. Can't wait to see it cleared up.

and maybe get to add in my two cents. :shifty:

haha. but to each his own! I just hope you really give some thoughts to coral life, and if you do, what types.
Ok, here we go, some new pictures, not that everything has cleared up.

First up, a new full tank shot. A couple things about this... There will be sand eventually, I just haven't added it yet. Secondly, there will be a background. Oh ya, and sorry about the quality, it's really awful. It was quick, taken by hand, so I'll get the tripod in here later on in the cycle to get more pictures.


Next up, a peek at the filter...


And skimmer cup...


My powerhead...


Next, is a shot of the surface movement created by the powerhead and filter...


And finally, the only hitchhiker worthy of a picture so far, a nice size mushroom (for a hitchhiker, a little bigger than a quarter)...


I'll post another update when I add sand and a background.
nice pictures.. ur good with the camra... I'm bad with the camra and my tank gives off so much light, I can't seem to find the correct setting!
GREAT pics. I love that third one.

The brightness should fade in time on those branches, right? if not, cover them with corals :shifty:

great mushroom. looks 500x better clear.
Thanks for the comments everyone.

To address a few comments...

First, the "brightness" of those rocks won't fade, but they should get covered in coraline. The picture is overexposed unfortunately, so they're not really that bright. Also, I don't plan many corals, because this is mainly going to be a seahorse tank. That will be the focus. Secondarily, the tank will be a jawfish tank (more on that to come with the sand I get), then I might think about a mushroom rock or some zoos.

Ter, the instructions for the skimmer said not to start it up until you get livestock or live rock. That's why I turned it on, and it has pulled some nice brown water into the cup, so I think it's working. I still may adjust it, because I'm not seeing any foam in the cup now, but I think that may just be because there's not a lot to pull right now, since it is just live rock.

Also, I went back and forth between getting the Tunze Reefpack 200 and a Aquafuge w/ skimmer, and finally decided on the Tunze. I'm very glad I did. I have no doubt the Aquafuge is good, but after hooking it all up, I really think the Tunze is going to do a nice job.
thats coming along great flumpus id be really proud if that was my tank youve done a great job :good:

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