30litre Tank


New Member
Nov 23, 2006
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I've had a 60l Rekord (jewel tank) for just over 7 months now, and have never really had more than 25-30cm worth of fish in it. I'm moving house at the end of the month and want to get a new setup (maily so its easier to move the fish). I was thinking of getting a smaller tank, 30l and and was considering the http://www.stm-shop.co.uk/acatalog/Wave_Box_nano_Tanks.html (Nano Wave) tanks.

Just wondering if anyone has had one of these and had any advice or suggestions, the other was just a tetra 30l tank.

I have:

5 glowlight danios
4 etras
3 zebra danios
2 leopard danios
a bristlenose
1 x shrimp

I like the idea of having an external filter and having the lights externally (I like photography and its easier to position the lights). I also had aproblem with the rekord in that I had to take some water out of it before taking the lid off as the first time I did this without taking the water out a danio jumped out onto the floor!
Thanks, Ewan

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