30g Ocanic Cube


Fish Crazy
Feb 12, 2006
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im planning on get this tank.

this will be my 1st sw tank and have been reading up for the past week.

but i needs some more advice.

what else will i need with the tank like filteration Etc.

what fish are good for cycling.

what fish are good for starters and what is the rule for inches of fish.

what is a good start for lighting 4 wpg.

how much pounds of live rock per gallon. 3?

and do you need live sand.

i just need to get a idea on how much this will cost.
and also if you guys can is post up good hardware for this

For filtration you will need live rock, and with live rock there is no need to have any cycling fish, all you need to do is wait for the rock to cure. Live rock is very well documented as to what it does, so a quick forum search will explain it better than I can.

The most common answer to "how much" live rock is 1.5 lbs/gallon

You will also need powerheads to move your water to allow the rock to filter. In your tank you need a total GPH of 600.

The sand you will want aragonite sand for it's buffering capabilities, it does not have to be "live" because the rock will seed it.

For lighting the issue really is whether or not you want corals.
Alex..the 30G Oceanic Cube is a really super tank. All your questions are clearly spelled out in the FAQ section at the top of the page. Katana did a great job of filling in.

Read thru the FAQs and then challenge yourself to come up with a set up..post here..and we'll all go over it with you. I'll give you one 'clue' to follow and research. Check out the Sunpod for lighting for this tank and let us know what you think. SH
I love the look of that tank. If it was a tad larger I would have bought it and built a false wall in it like a nano cube. You can still do this but for the size a regular 24 nano cube or aqua pod is cheaper. They do make sharp looking tanks though and are a great size for a nano reef.

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