30G Idears


Fish Connoisseur
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Norfolk, England
theres a tank about 30g not to sure they only give 2 mesurments but its only 99p and just up ther road. my mum said i can get one more tank but it will have to be cold water because im not allowed another heater running. i dont like goldfish and quite like the idear of having a tank with land and water so what could i have? i know fire bellied newts and fire belllied frogs will work but is there anythink else?
this is the tank
well as an all water tank you could have a nice group of about 3-5 african CLAWED frogs - - or a full colony of african DWARF frogs (much smaller - males make a fascinating purr-like sound when they want to mate) you could keep a couple fish in with the ADF for upper level movement if you like
I just would advise against ADF if your tank is taller than 16" - - since they are surface breathers, anything taller may end up being a struggle for oxygen!

you could also consider Axotyls (spelling?!) also known as water puppies - I have never kept them myself though so I will leave their care requirements up to another member!
I think axolotls are coldwater, if so you could have 3-4 in there

how about japanese fire belly newt? or a paludarium?
i completely forgot aboput the tank untill a few hours after it went so i was to late but there are a few more on there now for about the same price. i would prefer to have a tank with land and water so no adfs or axolotl. i quite like firebellied newts. can fire bellied newts and firebellied toads be kept together?
it is never recommended to mix different species of amphibians or reptiles - - they both have their own natural secretions that can be toxic to other species
i completely forgot aboput the tank untill a few hours after it went so i was to late but there are a few more on there now for about the same price. i would prefer to have a tank with land and water so no adfs or axolotl. i quite like firebellied newts. can fire bellied newts and firebellied toads be kept together?

It's not advisable as the toads are more aggressive than the newts.

I have 3 chinese fire bellied newts; one is a land dweller and the other 2 are aquatic; they'll both sit in the same food bowl and eat - there is no agression. So long as they are fed they'll be fine; the Japanese fire bellied newts are more aggressive. If you want newts have a look on caudata (link in my footer); it's a site dedicated to newts and salamanders (and they have a toad section too).

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