300L Vs 200L Stocking Options


Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
Sweden/London, UK
Hi! :)

SO as many of you know, I now decided to get a new tank. I settled between the 200 and the 300L mark, I just don't know which one to take.
I have a 6 inch angelfish, and a BN.

(Got rid of the clown loaches :byebye: :-( :sad: )

I want a lot of fish ... SO what do you recommend for the 200 and the 300L?

(I make my decision based on the stocking! :) )
I would go for the 300l and get another 4 or 5 angels, a couple more BN's and a large shoal of Columbian tetras (or some other deep bodied ones) :good:

Edit: You really want 2 foot tall for the Angel, so maybe look at some of the Aqua One tanks. I have the Aquience 1200R.
Ok, I just ordered my tank!! :D

It's a 200L tank., with the dimensions 100x50x40 cm.
What would be the best stocking? :)

*please help!
What about this:
4 angels, 2 BN, 5 african Chichilds. How does that sound? Are they compatible? :)

Or do you have any suggestions? :)

* My tank is going to be 250L !! :hyper: :drool:
Ditch the African cichlids. They have completely different set up requirements then south Americans and most of them would be far too aggressive for Angels. What are the tank dimensions?
would help if you were a little more descriptive as to what you were getting, whos making it, what filter make / model, what plants and what sand etc. Its all a little vague.
My tank is made by oceanlife aquatics.

I ordered 10x Egeria densa and 10x Echinodorus amazonicus,
and 5x Anubias afzelii. (Not from the same company).

I am also getting about a meter long wood, and the sand is playsand, and a lot of it. I'm also going to get some rocks and some more plants :)

But depending on the fish I put in it, the design will change ofc.

* The filter is a tetratec ex1200....

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