30" Tank Good Enough For Rtbs


Live life, don't let it live you!
Feb 21, 2006
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Darlington, England, United Kingdom
Well, I have a 30" tank and my brother has a RTBS that he doesn't want and it's only in a 2ft tank, so could I comfortable keep it in my 30" tank? I've read they need 36", but I mean 6 inches is only like the size of my hand, surely it will be alright in a 30" tank with plenty of caves?

How wide and tall is the tank? RTBS grow to 5-6inches long, so are quite large fish.

they actually grow to around 12 inches in captivity and are a shoaling fish. This fish is not suitable for your tank and if you do still put it in it, i warn you now that only 1 RTBS is very boring and not the killing machine you might think.

l8er :sick:
How wide and tall is the tank? RTBS grow to 5-6inches long, so are quite large fish.

they actually grow to around 12 inches in captivity and are a shoaling fish. This fish is not suitable for your tank and if you do still put it in it, i warn you now that only 1 RTBS is very boring and not the killing machine you might think.

l8er :sick:
I think you are mixing up the species - blackfin sharks get to over a foot & are brackish shoalers. Silver, or bala, sharks get to over a foot & are active shoalers. RTBS get to 6" and are loners.
One would be ok in these circumstances but it would limit your choice of tankmates.
How wide and tall is the tank? RTBS grow to 5-6inches long, so are quite large fish.

they actually grow to around 12 inches in captivity and are a shoaling fish. This fish is not suitable for your tank and if you do still put it in it, i warn you now that only 1 RTBS is very boring and not the killing machine you might think.

l8er :sick:

yup RTBS and rainbow sharks are loners. RTBS should get around 5" as an adult. Sometime longer but they usually just get rounder with age. 30" should be ok as long as you meet their needs. They love thick thick plants to xplore more than caves in my experience. Mine only uses the cave to sleep "ON TOP OF" Other than that he is busy going up and down and dive bombing my thicker areas of plants all day.

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