30 Ltr Coldwater Biorb


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
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Southampton, uk
I always check out the competitions in PFK magazine, looking for any which offer tanks which my family would then have to welcome into the house "because I won it". The only one on offer this month is a 30 ltr biorb. Letting my thoughts toy with this idea I gradually realised I wouldn't have a clue what to do with a coldwater tank this size and shape. Certainly not goldfish, as the manufacturers suggest. A betta would need heating. I suppose you might just squeeze in a few WCMs, but they don't take my fancy. None of the bottomdwelling gobies, clearly, as it is a biorb. What on earth would you do with this tank? I'd probably be reduced to storing old batteries in it or something. I suppose it would do for a cookie jar? Have you got any better ideas?
I beleive the various pygmy sunfish species do better in cooler water. Don't forget that although it says 'coldwater', in our nice warm centrally heated houses, room temperature isn't far off tropical temps. My unheated betta tanks are at about 23-24C, my 2ft is at 25C. I've accidently left the heater off for weeks with no ill effects to the fish. Paradise fish also prefer cooler water, I think. You can also change the substrate to normal gravel, if you wanted to, it shouldn't affect the filtration too much.
Anything less than 10gallons is too small for the majority of shoaling type fish, but you could have perhaps a trio of guppys or some endlers (both of these are obviously not coldwater though)- there are a lot of very attractive sub-tropical and coldwater shrimp and snails which would fit a tank of that size though :thumbs: .

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