30 ltr is just under 8 gallons. According to the basic inch/gallon rule, this should give you 8 inches of fish- but then it is a bioorb, which means less surface area=less oxygen. Just roughly looking at your stock, I would say that you are overstocked by at least 100%, if not 200 %. This is not just about bioload, it is also about oxygen and swimming space/space for territories. Serpae tetras are highly active and need swimming space. All the tetras you have, and harlequins, are schooling species and need to be in groups of 6-8 of the same species. The dwarf gouramis need more room, at least if youa re not sure they are both females. There should only be one male in such a small tank, and a female would need more space+ plants to be able to hide away from his attentions. The minnows, if they are White Clound Mountain minnows prefer cooler temperatures, while the gouramis like it quite warm.