30 L Biorb


New Member
Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
30 l Biorb , 1 Zebra danio, 2 Golden barbs, 5 Neon tetras

I don't like this, artifishal and too smal for fishes, also the spear is bad 4 fish eyes

I think what enki said is true. Its hard to see in a biorb and even harder fr the fish in there. Plus, to decently decorate a tank/plant it, you need a big area on the bottom, not just the little plate size at the bottom.
i think golden barbs get to big for a 30l. and i agree the shape of them and the filter isnt very good. i have one but im putting shrimp in there
looks nice and clean

minimum tank footprint for neons and zebra danios is 24" due to being fast swimming fish - danios also need to be kept in groups 4+ else will get stressed
golden barbs need to be in groups 4-5+ and need a tank footprint again of at least 18-24" minimum

only letting you know as information - upto you what you do with it :) good luck and does look nice for a biorb
its very nice :)
but the barbs shouldnt be in there i have a group the same and they like to swim fast sometimes, they cant do it in a biorb :( why not take it to the store and swap it for something else,smaller and not so fast.
ive had and have biorbs and yes they are very tricky to get to look nice, but i think youve done a grand job :) what looks really nice in biorbs in real plants, java fern does nice in them,maybe tied onto a small peiece of bogwood?
well you inspired me to go and sort my baby biorb (15l) out :blush:
from this ( was used for a few fry)

to this ( its too small for fish so i just made it look nice.

so thankyou for that :) x x x x

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